Monday, May 7, 2012

A thought #1

By: Harry Flanagan

Date: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 at 10:25pm

Sometimes we grow and see life isn't what we thought it would be as when we were kids. Times have change as well for the people and its locations. People change... but what change is it? The change that we alter our own personality or change to conform with the rest? I haven't changes in the perspective that I have the same personality but changed in the matter of seeing things differently. I learn new things which are changes but also my personality still remains the same as well for the principals I live by. I don't believe people change and grow a part due to their new differences I believe people change personalities to fit what is easier to live with but sometimes going the easy route will have a depressing ending when you realize what a pond you really were to the worlds people. I will never change my personality for it is the definition of Harry and makes me who I am as an individual. I will not alter it to fit the needs of the masses even if it means losing love which would have been false anyhow or the friends who fabricated their friendship anyways. When I say fabricated their friendship they want me to change to meet their qualifications to not be embarrassed to be seen with me in public or so forth. I believe principals and morals as well for will gives you a fight against conformity and self-destruction. I speak from the heart and not from dependent education but from self-experience.

Sometimes people listen to the news and believe without doing their own research which leads them to being blind. Someone told me that love is blind then proceeded to say it wasn't love that was blind but God. I say love is blind because you have the choice to be blind or not in that aspect. It is the choices we choose that lead us where we are at. I can't blame anyone but myself for where I am at. I am sure I could have fought harder to be somewhere more meaningful then where I am at. Every choice has some form of consequence or outcome. To be an true adult one must admit fault and take responsibilities in their own actions. Anyhow I just wanted something to say or talk about. it helps me clear my head to type sometimes.

To defeat corruption and conformity one must see his/her own flaws first.

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