Monday, May 7, 2012

What is an African-American?

What is an African-American?

By: Harry Flanagan
Date: Thursday, December 31, 2009 at 4:08am

African-American? Someone who came from Africa and then became a citizen in America. You can have African heritage but doesn't make you an African-American. If you were born from America then your just an American like everyone else. If you were born from Africa and became a citizen of America then you are an African-American, like one of my friends that I know. Do you see Europeans with African heritage calling themselves African-Europeans? No because they find it silly so why do we insist to let stupidity to persist? I don't go around calling myself an Irish-American? I was born in America and proud to be just an American with an Irish Background. Simple enough and to the point. If you constantly think of yourself in a group and support a group mentality that in itself is coherently racist, is it not? Just thought that I would articulate that. Racism is over rated and long past, when will we move on with the next step when the first step has been completed long ago? I don't do well with race cards, sorry. lol!

(Disclaimer) Think what you want about me and label me what you will, I know that I am not judgmental but just a thinker is all. I speak my mind and if this offends you then you didn't have to read it, the tittle was obvious about what the topic was about.

The deceiver who uses a race card for self-gain prolongs its own past stupidities in a mass area of past conflicts; within a matter that was resolved long ago.

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