Monday, May 7, 2012

Facebook Supports CISPA?

Facebook Supports CISPA?

By: Harry Flanagan
Date: May 07, 2012

Facebook supports CISPA. CISPA, as I am doing my research paper on, is a legislation that allows the government to check your emails, private messages, and text messages when "suspected" in any illegal activities; even if you had not committed a crime yet.

Facebook, 2012, Facebook about CISPA

Link to Bill:

I recommend people to switch from Facebook to Google Plus, since Google opposes such violations onto American privacy.

Google Plus Link:

Understanding Women

Understanding Women

By: Mezentius
Date: Tuesday, December 6, 2011 at 7:34pm

"The number one rule in understanding women is; Women do not understand themselves.
That's it. End. Women have no idea what they want. No idea why they do the things they do. No clue. Not a one.
The sooner the young men realize this, the sooner we can all get on with our now completely pointless lives of chasing women who will confound us at every turn. If I can put down one word to describe all of the women that I have personally met in my entire life, that word would be: CONFUSED
My hate mail box is filling up, and I haven't even finished writing.
Now, some of those hate mails are from my ex(s). I already know what they want to say. Actually, thinking about it, my ex-wives, ex-girl friends, ex-companions, are a good place to start the rest of this guide.
The most likely place to start is; Why are they now my ex-whatever?
Because I screwed up!
That's it. Done. I forgot the number one rule about understanding women. I started looking for LOGICAL reasons for doing what they do, but made the obvious mistake, I asked THEM.
"If you don't know, I'm not telling you!" This oft used phrase simply translates to "I have no idea, why are you asking me?"
The only correct response to that bassackwards logic is to say: "Oh Good, so I'll keep doing what I'm doing and you will never mention it again, agreed?"
Of course this type of statement, to the logical mind, would be deemed argumentative and, or grounds for having to sleep on the couch for a month.
In Fact: It is EXACTLY what the woman wants to hear.
It's ok, you can read that over again... I'll wait...
Now that I have COMPLETELY blown your Logic Circuits, let me explain:
The little logic bomb she dropped on you was a test. It's not a test of your logical abilities, it's a test of your strength of character.
Instinctually a woman needs to know that her mate is strong. Not "wife beating" type strong, but mentally strong. Decisive, having or showing the ability to make decisions quickly and effectively.
Usually being cold and decisive is exactly opposite of what most men and women expect, when the onslaught of the emotional argument is about to take place, however in-order to understand the Instinctual logic behind a woman's arguments, we need to understand where the instinct comes from.
The hunter gatherer of old traveled around for his food. Most times, in small communities of humans, the able males would wander far off while the women and children would stay in some secluded place under cover or in a cave or hole.
The men would be gone, days at a time, sometimes silent, sometimes hunting and driving as a pack, while at the same time, women would be teaching the young the beginnings of language.
Man would take days carrying or dragging meat back to the clan, after taking days to track the animal and kill it, again, most of this time in silence. Mean while, the women designed and devised new language and studied the intricacies of emotion.
Young males would be taught some language, but when they were old enough, they would be taken out on the hunt and taught silence and strength to keep them alive just a bit longer, while the young females would continue the studies of emotions, language and child care.
To obtain a mate, the young man would have to be strong, he has to provide meat for his young family and protect his family when the time comes. Women know this, so in-order to test the strength of young men, young women had to fight them off...
if a woman liked you, she would fight with you...
The woman's test here is; is this young male stronger than me?
Fortunately for the time, this test could ultimately result in pregnancy. Today however, that sort of behavior is called rape.
But the instinct is still there. Is he stronger than me?
Women need to know, in their hearts, that the man they are with will stand up to them, be stronger than them, and ultimately, protect them when the time comes. The woman needs to relax herself, emotionally, to accept that you are stronger than her, and that if she yields to you, that you will be able to be her provider, protector, and lover.
The little logic bomb she just dropped in your lap, defuse it. The real reason she put it there is that suddenly, she discovered she liked you, you had better be stronger than her."
EDITORS NOTE - At the time of this writing, the Author had just finished his second divorce and had moved back into his parents basement. He had begun numerous searches in online dating, and opted for porn site subscriptions over monthly e-Harmony fees. This is not to be taken as seriously as the title would suggest.

Published by Mezentius

The Empty and Forgotten (Poem)

The Empty and Forgotten (Poem)

By: Harry Flanagan
Date: Tuesday, July 19, 2011 at 2:14pm

Why is it that we live when we live not.
Striving for a dream when hope is all you got.
Pursuit of happiness and the rest that we fought,
Perish in seconds because to others it's asking a lot.
Who do we blame when we gave it our best shot!
The efforts we gave were honest, were they not?

What was this all for?
Wasted efforts thrown to the floor!
No! Not as long as I have breath in these lungs.
Society wont enslave me into stupidity's wrongs.
I will fight to the end for the feelings within,
No more dead ends I will find a path and never give in.
My heart pumps hard for the words I act upon,
Tired of the negative answers life delivers me on...

The empty and forgotten,
Are the ones who are stopping
Giving in because they were hoping!
When they should have been acting!
By societies cruelties, lies, and unjust crimes!

Judge me not, if you also live not!
Don't we all have dreams society stopped?
They're telling us we would never have a shot.
Saying we are children if we don't follow their plot.
Controlling us with their strings cutting out wings!
Making us feel weak destroying our hopes and dreams.
We fade from the individual to another face in a stream.
A reflection of our being no longer our own feelings,
When they have control of our homes and goals,
We seize to be the free...
Empty and forgotten they want us to be.
America, land of the governments dreams.
And shattered liberties and broken eagle wings.
Lady liberty, we'll miss your beauty.
May we one day remember unity.
When we're no longer enslaved
By a government of mutiny!
Our existence is a capsule full of our being unless we choose to empty that being and allow it to be controlled by conformity.

Feminist and Ethnic Groups of Segregation.

Feminist and Ethnic Groups of Segregation.

By: Harry Flanagan
Date: Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The things I stand against is stupidity and among that topic are those who will use the race card, gender card, or religion card for self gain. These people usually lack a legit point in an argument and resort to such things to extinguish the original argument from the table; Much like a flash bang so one can seek safety or refuge away from combat.

Feminist are no different because they segregate themselves like ethnic groups who claim they want equality but looking to have a hand over everyone else. Power is the one thing that corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

What I am trying to say is the Ethnic groups, Feminist groups, and other groups have reached their goal and are no longer needed in a free and open society. They are in fact prolonging the freedom of equality by segregation. So to continue their so called fight for already equality is in fact segregating themselves from everyone else.

Ramble Rant

Ramble Rant

By: Harry Flanagan
Date: Wednesday, June 1, 2011 at 2:07pm
I haven't typed a note on here in a few so here it goes. lol! Here are some things that have been on my mind as of lately.
I feel like as time fly's by I become more and more of an expired product in a society in which indulges on stupidity as fuel. I am the reminiscence of selfless indulgence and wants. I have dreams and because some people gave up on their dreams, doesn't mean I need to as well. I have dreams and I have not gave up on them. Most people throw their success in my face to hide their flaws in order to find a sense of security away from their insecurities. Those people tend to have huge egos and look highly of themselves. They will screw over even their own family to get ahead in life because they lack compassion and are corrupted with lust for self. Those people hide behind the ego; That ego acts in place of a force shield. The only way to destroy these people is to attack them from the ground up at the pillar to take down that foundation they created.

Anyhow I feel that I will be single for a very long time if not forever. I have high standards and a very cynical look on human nature as in standards and morals. I feel that I live in the 1% of people who are truly straightedge and trust worthy. I am the kind of guy and am very confident in saying that you could leave out 100's of dollars and be ensured that all of it would be there even when I leave.
I have all these great attributes but lack to gain any woman's interest that I am interested in. Usually most women need some kind of mystery to be appealed to a man.
For example abuse women will defend their abuser even when they clearly have bruises all over their battered bodies. They feel that these men who abuse them are the only ones who give them attention. Well being abused 24/7 I can't blame them that they're not neglected from attention but can conquer that they have received a little to much physical attention.
Women are not attracted to nice guys "usually" because a nice guys provides the following:
1.) His intentions are up front.
2.) He says what he means with much rationality.
3.) He is logical in his discussions.
4.) He is understanding and communicates very well.
5.) He believes in solving problems not creating more.
6.) He doesn't play games.
7.) He is a great listener and doesn't come off as selfish.
These sound like outstanding qualities one would think and any woman would be lucky to have these qualities in a man. But even though "most" women claim they want these qualities in a man they are not instinctively interested in these doll qualities due to the lack of mystery. Women prefer a mystery and a fantasy world to indulge their lust, which is why Soap Oprah for women is like porn for men.
Women are interested in Bad boys for the following reasons:
1.) They are mysterious.
2.) It proves to be a challenge to change them into a good guy.
3.) "most" women love the games or are easily manipulated.
4.) Women are treated horrible by them so when these bad boys do give them attention these women feel it to be amazing.
5.) They feel a sense of security by bad boys.
6.) They feel like rebels.
7.) These men are usually built or attractive, which is why "most" men that look nice are complete dicks. They know that they don't have to try hard or stay committed, same goes for attractive women.

Anyhow these are just some of my personal opinions in a ramble. I hope you enjoyed my ranting.

Reminiscence of Peace

Reminiscence of Peace

By: Harry Flanagan
Date: Monday, May 2, 2011 at 2:11pm

A handful of nations, selfishly define the nature of peace and freedom in this world.
But our world is so much more complex than that. This world has 7 billion people living their own lives, in 7 billion different ways, 7 billion kinds of peace, 7 billion kinds of justice, 7 billion kinds of war and evil. No one has achieved peace without fighting for it. Behind every peace, there's a river of blood, sweat and tears. But if we avert our eyes from that history and abandon it, then peace might as well be dog shit!

Majority of Women Amaze Me...

Majority of Women Amaze Me...

By: Harry Flanagan
Date: Friday, January 28, 2011 at 4:51am

(Not all women are like this, I have a lot of women here on facebook who respect themselves as people.)
For kicks and giggles I will share this with you.
I just got a message from a woman who is 25 years old and has literally nothing but a bra and underwear on. She is a Christian looking for a nice man. My response to this is:

"Hey, my name is Harry. I just saw your profile and couldn't help but notice the irony of you in your bra and being labeled as a Christian? I don't mean to come off as rude but was baffled by this constant vexing, copacetic, anomaly, that keeps unfolding through the majority of the populace. I am sure you will take this the wrong way and retaliate in a high school mentality consisting of name calling or a simple block then a rational discussion of two adults. But I do not know you so many possibilities could be open and I am merely basing my assessment from statistics. Who knows maybe you will respond rationally in accordance to my first question and not take it out of context as being a jerk or rude but simply curious."

Again, I am amazed by how dumb most people can be.
Oh and the fact that people refer to their lovers as friends. Okay if I have a lover who started off as a friend then that is also saying that all female friends of mine can be potential lovers. Justify it being okay by any means but in the logical view of rational concept this will end with an epic fail out of the repeat of history. Of course women and men will say you can be friends with the opposite sex and not have love interest but what man or women will admit they cheated? Truth be told we are human and by the course of history we have proven this always fails. My grandparents understood this and they had a relationship of 60 years. We don't see this and look at people today, longest I hear about in my peers is an average of 1-3 years max. Where I am getting at is you can't have a friendship with a lover. Friends don't kiss, make love, have intimate moments, and so forth. If this was the case every friend would expect something from you. So stop saying you want to be friends first because what your trying to say is hey I want to keep my options open because I am not ready to be serious. I want to use my youth as an excuse to go out and fool around =)

Hi, my name is Harry and I approve this message.

Hello to Possibilities

Hello to Possibilities

By: Harry Flanagan
Date: Thursday, November 25, 2010 at 1:56am

I sometimes find myself in doubt,
When I find something worth thinking about.
Because the past makes me want to shout.
I struggle to try and figure this all out,
Only to fall and so I begin to pout.

Your a wonder in my eyes,
A blessing in this life.
You give me hope,
Where there was none to be found.
I put forth risk,
Because a man can only hope on his wish;
That the treasure he finds,
Is pure and divine.

Possibilities are both hidden and open,
A man just has to be a little out spoken.
So here I am to tell you that I do care,
Care to tell you that I am right here;
Confessing my heart and willing to share,
All that I am because it seems simply fair.
I ask you, will you allow us to be a pair?

Or to wither and disappear?

Corporate Greed: The Modern Scrooge

Corporate Greed: The Modern Scrooge

By: Harry Flanagan
Date:Thursday, November 11, 2010 at 11:16pm

My name is Harry and this is just my opinionated thought on Corporate companies and the staffing agencies. I know a lot of people probably wont read this due to their own apathy and lack of will to care about the situation that shadows us all; But I feel that someone should say something and this is my attempt in doing so. Everything below is from my mind and was not taken from anyone else except from my own common knowledge and experiences.

(History of "Value/Currency") Over the course of time man has made material items to be worth value in their way of life. Over more time man made a system and those who made it were of greed because he was man/woman of the flesh. His lust led him to create money and this money created creed because it was of man. The money is a idea to have a civil and non-primitive way of life. Being civil is to have a will, to know when to say "no" and when to say "yes." To be primitive is to lust for everything and to have your way with anything you desire. In a primitive world the fact is yes males would dominate this is just logic. They would rape, destroy, and erase all that is civil. The good men would be killed, the churches would burn, the children would be soiled in wickedness. The feminist would be raped for being so feminist, irrational, illogical, and whinny. Primitive anarchist do not care about rights of others nor do they care for individual safety. I do not say these things to hurt feelings I say them because this is the most logical conclusion I can come to.

(IMPORTANT) "Corporate GREED and the slaves they Enlist"

What is a Corporate slave? I believe a corporate slave is a man or woman who have debts and are forced to work or meet the severe consequences. Almost everyone has to go into debt in order to get anywhere in life. Examples are the following: Cars, Houses, College, Investments, and more that I can think of right off hand. These debts are high and so it is hard to pay it down due to the interest. For example a car which cost to make is 2k at the most can cost 30 thousand new; Making a 28k profit plus interest racking it up to 35k if not more. These debts are caused from people who have the urge to be independent as most humans beings are instinctively susceptible to. I for one want to live on my own but that requires many things. I need a car in order to get a job, I could do a bike but in a economy where jobs are scarce I prefer a car which maximizes my options. You need a place of residence which can be pricey but most people prefer a house because it is a sign of ownership and freedom. Others need college in order to make more money to live but in reality are paying that college degree off for years. Now if you do not pay these debts off you can be fines more money and taken to court to most likely to go to jail and force to pay it back still once out. So we must work and never have time to pursue our dreams because the system is set up to keep us in check and the people who made the system living like kings. When are we as human beings going to make a stand together and say, "hoimie this shit sucks!" and do something about it? It doesn't stop there! Let me continue with more ass raping we all have to endure. Onward to the mathematical topic side of where your money goes.

(Staff Agencies and the Corporate Lust)

I know many of us go through staffing agencies. What are staffing agencies? They are agencies that can help the Corporate companies not be held too liable for the common worker. Corporate companies do not want to hire anyone straight off because then they are liable to have a good excuse to terminate your job if they are not satisfied with your performance. If not the employee can file suit against them this is not in their best interest so they use staffing agencies in order to be less liable for you. Staffing agencies make a pretty good profit off your hard work.

(Mathematics for the Common mans pay.)

Example: Lets say you get paid 8 dollars an hour and you work through a staffing agency. You actually make 10 an hour but the staffing agency takes 2 an hour from every hour you work. One Man
One hour (60 minutes) = $2.00
8 hours (1 Day)= $16.00
40 hours (1 week) = $80.00
160 hours (1 month) = $320.00
1920 hours (1 year) = $3840.00
(Above is for one person and their 2 dollar deduction by the staffing company)

100 Men
One hour (60 minutes) = $200.00
8 hours (1 Day)= $1600.00
40 hours (1 week) = $8000.00
160 hours (1 month) = $32,000.00
1920 hours (1 year) = $384,000.00
( Above is for one hundred people and their 2 dollar deduction by the staffing company put together.)

Now ask yourself how many staffing agents you seen in the staffing building you went to and then ask how many are on site? I don't know about where you work but At my last few jobs through 4 different staffing agencies their were a total of 3-4 all together.
Now deduct 4 from the years worth of a 100 employees.
100 employees = $384,000.00 in one year / (divided by) 4 = 96,000
Now if there was 200 employees and the same amount of staffing agents double the 96k to nearly 200k.

(Corporate low paid employees and Corporate Masters Glory)

Lets say that there is a company that makes 30-40 million dollars a year. It employs 220 employees and has four facilities. The company pays its employee $10 an hour but after the staffing agencies cut $8 an hour. Below I will do what each employee makes with just 8 an hour.

1 of those 220 Employees $8.00
One hour (60 minutes) = $8.00
8 hours (1 Day)= $64.00
40 hours (1 week) = $320.00
160 hours (1 month) = $1,280.00
1920 hours (1 year) = $1,5360.00
(Above was 1 of 220 men being paid $8 an hour, below is 220 men paid 10 an hour without the staffing agency.)
1 of those 220 Employees $10.00
One hour (60 minutes) = $10.00
8 hours (1 Day)= $80.00
40 hours (1 week) = $400.00
160 hours (1 month) = $1,600.00
1920 hours (1 year) = $19,200.00
(Below is 220 Employees for $8.00 an hour COMBINED)
One hour (60 minutes) = $1,760.00
8 hours (1 Day)= $14,080.00
40 hours (1 week) = $70,400.00
160 hours (1 month) = $280,600.00
1920 hours (1 year) = $3,379,200.00
(Below this is 220 Employees for $10 an hour COMBINED)
One hour (60 minutes) = $2200.00
8 hours (1 Day)= $17,600.00
40 hours (1 week) = $88,000.00
160 hours (1 month) = $352,000.00
1920 hours (1 year) = $4,224,000.00
So if the company pays 4.2 mil in one year to all the employees that brings them down to 25.8-35.8 million a year.
Now I am going to add in other cost like Maintenance, medical, tax, and extra an hour for those paid more than 10 an hour forall4 warehouses yearly.

1 year expenses (overly dramatic)
Tax on 30-40mil divided by .07= 2.1-2.8Mil
medical 500,000-700,000
Maintenance 800,000.00-1,500,000.00
Expanding 1million-2million
1 mil extra an hour yearly
Total=8million (if I chose the highest which is 40 million a year.)
Add the amount paid to employees and you have 12.5 million deductions (which is over dramatic)
Profit is $27,500,000.00 after expenses.
Now if you doubled the employees pay by making it $20 an hour, the company still makes a profit of 23million dollars. Lets be generous and knock off another 3 mil for anything I may have forgotten which leaves the company at 20mil even. Can you say Employees are ass raped???
Now these companies earn the right to do what they want because they started off as nothing but once they have enough money for themselves could they just increase the pay in order to bring some prosperity back to the people? Better paid employees are happy and put more in the economy which would also jump start our economic system again and also allowing us to repay the nations debt. It's up to them to make a real change or will greed and money be all they ever see. We live once and so do they want to be remembered for being tyrants or honorable selfless men.

(I also want to apologize for the language in here just stressing how bad it sucks.)
I would write more but I am tired.



By: Harry Flanagan
Date: Friday, October 1, 2010 at 7:33pm

My heart is like a rose
Full of life and beauty
Until left dry to die
Brittle and fragile
But life goes on...
I keep my head high
In the end I wont cry
I just jump up and fight
For this is my life
I keep my friends tight
Love my family every damn night
when the end comes
God knows I got love in these eyes
I'm not a bad guy
Just constantly sad
But I should be glad
Life is a blast
Refuse to be like glass
Falls and shatters fast
I am a fist pumping gas
fueled and everlasting
I can breathe at last!
I'm no longer living my past.

Insecurities and Misleading

Insecurities and Misleading

By: Harry Flanagan
Date: Saturday, June 26, 2010 at 3:12pm

This is a note a friend wrote and I must say that I am very impressed with it. I thought maybe I was crazy because I was the only one this has happen too... Anyhow this is by Bekka and I believe she hit the nail right on the head! Yes I read notes and if you write notes then I read them most likely. lol!

"Okay, so I have been doing a lot of observing as of lately. I have noticed girls, playing games. These stupid little, I want it to be causal, or I'm not ready to be in a relationship games. This is not right, it's not cute, and it's not funny. They begin to lead someone on, and then once the guy begins to take a larger interest in the girl, she drops them, fully. No contact, no phone call, just blocking, because they don't want to deal with the mess they have created themselves. How is this fair? You complain about guys doing this to you, but you want to make someone else feel as badly as you do? No, that's right, you are waiting for that other boy you like. Well then do not lead someone on who does like you, that you have no interest in. Or no, I'm sorry, you were waiting on that ex that you still want to be with. Drop it. If you aren't ready, or if you are still hanging on, then you need to stop, and not consider flirting. This will lead to heart break for someone. Also, don't go for a rebound. You are just hurting the other person more, and yourself. Take your time, be single. Is this so hard? To not play games? When did girls become the players, where as the guy has now become the victim more than ever? I do not get how some girls can be so stupid, heartless, and just plain evil. Really? Grow up, stop playing games, get over yourself, and treat a guy how you want to be treated! It's really, not that hard!"

Agnostic Prayer (My Heart)

Agnostic Prayer (My Heart)

By: Harry Flanagan
Date: Thursday, June 3, 2010 at 7:32pm

Agnostic Prayer-

God if you are real then be real to me,

feeling hate isn't how I wanted to be seen.

My heart aches to believe in dreams,

but these dreams shatter before they even truly mattered!

I am a wall with flaws that cracks along the halls!

Break through me to light my fire and let it burn brighter!

All my worldly desires forfeit for a higher power!

Consume me holy light of a burning passion for this is my satisfaction.

Let true love be my only attraction.

(By: H2K) (from the heart)

A Better Understanding But Who Reads Blogs Anyways...

A Better Understanding But Who Reads Blogs Anyways...

by Harry Flanagan
Monday, May 31, 2010 at 8:05pm

I woke up this morning thinking one thing... life is a mystery and it's very unpredictable. Things make us seldom happy and more things make us sad. We live to experience basically... point blank. We created a world in which cycles to the future which forcefully has to accept as it is made that way. My ancestors made this world I lived in with all of its laws and rules and I must abide by them or be an outcast/rebel/traitor. Since when is being human and having a different idea as a philosopher a crime? Those who are given power naturally are corrupt. "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely." We are living the carelessness of our ancestors who truly only cared about themselves instead of the future for the last 140 years. Our founding fathers had a plan and we allowed that to become sickened, weakened, and finally corrupted. Our well being is based on the surroundings we had created previously to presently. Process is the key to steps unfolding into a situation of some sort whether or not its problematic. We act upon our lustful actions more then our willful ones because lustful feels good and the will hurts because our body does not benefit. When we say love what does it mean exactly? Some people say the word to just obtain a lustful intention that the other person is not aware of. We act on lust not because we want to but because it is an instinct that separates us from civil to animal. The thing that makes us a civilized society is to have a will to say no to the lustful actions of our animal wants. When we became civil we gain a better understand and closeness to our feelings of emotions. We learned to be more compassionate, respectful, understanding of one another needs and wants, honorable, humble, moral, and loving. To love is to set aside all lustful intentions and more will and understanding for who you truly are passionate for. I hope to find this love and one day show her my will over my lust and prove to her my intentions are pure and my heart is hers. I am hopeful but most of the time when something seems to good it usually is... I guess that only time can tell and so I wait.

A world complex because we choose it to be an art I suppose.



By: Harry Flanagan,
Date: Monday, May 31, 2010 at 4:16pm

Sometimes we wake up
Not knowing what to think.
A day can be fresh
or sometimes it can be so bleak.
depending on the course
in which will eventually link.
To bond two people close
Or even delay their events.
No one knows this days contents,
Or even its true or lying intents.
Just remain hopeful for its romance.
The heart will take its stance.
There it will bleed or advance.
Hopeless romantic will glance,
Anxious if he is given a chance!

That she will allow it to progress.Indeed very true if you can see it for what it is and not mistake it for the wolf in sheep clothing.

Estoric Butterfly

Estoric Butterfly

By: Harry Flanagan
Date: Friday, April 16, 2010 at 10:02am

I am an esoteric butterfly behind tainted glass, placed hermetically and its radiance permanently hidden until the day one shatters its front and brings forth its truth. Hinder me and I hinder you but trust in me I will trust in you. Hold me close and watch me glow, I am a radiant butterfly ready to flow. Know that my love is pure though your heart is unsure... But I will remain loyal, humble, and truthful. The outside is the shell so either love it or its core where warmth resides to cater your heart; but please never leave me in the dark, for I will stray away from comprehending and seeing the beauty of your heart because it will only lead to me falling apart.
Dedicated to, her heart.Beauty is a number of things, not always just the body but the life about it.

Your Constitution, Learn It, Know It, Love It!

Your Constitution, learn it, know it, love it!

by Harry Flanagan
Date: Wednesday, March 17, 2010 at 9:48am

* First Amendment: addresses the rights of freedom of religion (prohibiting Congress from establishing a religion and protecting the right to free exercise of religion), freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and freedom of petition.

* Second Amendment: guarantees the right of individuals to possess firearms. The most recent decision interpreting the Second Amendment is District of Columbia v. Heller.

* Third Amendment: prohibits the government from using private homes as quarters for soldiers during peacetime without the consent of the owners. The only existing case law regarding this amendment is a lower court decision in the case of Engblom v. Carey.[17]

* Fourth Amendment: guards against searches, arrests, and seizures of property without a specific warrant or a "probable cause" to believe a crime has been committed. Some rights to privacy have been inferred from this amendment and others by the Supreme Court.

* Fifth Amendment: forbids trial for a major crime except after indictment by a grand jury; prohibits double jeopardy (repeated trials), except in certain very limited circumstances; forbids punishment without due process of law; and provides that an accused person may not be compelled to testify against himself (this is also known as "Taking the Fifth" or "Pleading the Fifth"). This is regarded as the "rights of the accused" amendment, otherwise known as the Miranda rights after the Supreme Court case. It also prohibits government from taking private property for public use without "just compensation," the basis of eminent domain in the United States.

* Sixth Amendment: guarantees a speedy public trial for criminal offenses. It requires trial by a jury, guarantees the right to legal counsel for the accused, and guarantees that the accused may require witnesses to attend the trial and testify in the presence of the accused. It also guarantees the accused a right to know the charges against him. The Sixth Amendment has several court cases associated with it, including Powell v. Alabama, United States v. Wong Kim Ark, Gideon v. Wainwright, and Crawford v. Washington. In 1966, the Supreme Court ruled that the fifth amendment prohibition on forced self-incrimination and the sixth amendment clause on right to counsel were to be made known to all persons placed under arrest, and these clauses have become known as the Miranda rights.

* Seventh Amendment: assures trial by jury in civil cases.

* Eighth Amendment: forbids excessive bail or fines, and cruel and unusual punishment.

* Ninth Amendment: declares that the listing of individual rights in the Constitution and Bill of Rights is not meant to be comprehensive; and that the other rights not specifically mentioned are retained by the people.

* Tenth Amendment: reserves to the states respectively, or to the people, any powers the Constitution did not delegate to the United States, nor prohibit the states from exercising.

(Amendment 11- 27)

* Eleventh Amendment (1795): Clarifies judicial power over foreign nationals, and limits ability of citizens to sue states in federal courts and under federal law.

* Twelfth Amendment (1804): Changes the method of presidential elections so that members of the Electoral College cast separate ballots for president and vice president.

* Thirteenth Amendment (1865): Abolishes slavery and authorizes Congress to enforce abolition.

* Fourteenth Amendment (1868): Defines a set of guarantees for United States citizenship; prohibits states from abridging citizens' privileges or immunities and rights to due process and the equal protection of the law; repeals the Three-fifths compromise; prohibits repudiation of the federal debt caused by the Civil War.

* Fifteenth Amendment (1870): Prohibits the federal government and the states from using a citizen's race, color, or previous status as a slave as a qualification for voting.

* Sixteenth Amendment (1913): Authorizes unapportioned federal taxes on income.

* Seventeenth Amendment (1913): Converts state election of senators to popular election.

* Eighteenth Amendment (1919): Prohibited the manufacturing, importing, and exporting of alcoholic beverages (see Prohibition in the United States). Repealed by the Twenty-First Amendment.

* Nineteenth Amendment (1920): Prohibits the federal government and the states from forbidding any citizen to vote due to their sex.

* Twentieth Amendment (1933): Changes details of congressional and presidential terms and of presidential succession.

* Twenty-first Amendment (1933): Repeals Eighteenth Amendment. Permits states to prohibit the importation of alcoholic beverages.

* Twenty-second Amendment (1951): Limits president to two terms.

* Twenty-third Amendment (1961): Grants presidential electors to the District of Columbia.

* Twenty-fourth Amendment (1964): Prohibits the federal government and the states from requiring the payment of a tax as a qualification for voting for federal officials.

* Twenty-fifth Amendment (1967): Changes details of presidential succession, provides for temporary removal of president, and provides for replacement of the vice president.

* Twenty-sixth Amendment (1971): Prohibits the federal government and the states from forbidding any citizen of age 18 or greater to vote on account of their age.

* Twenty-seventh Amendment (1992): Limits congressional pay raises.

For more information check the below site as a good resource. If you have anymore questions or request I will be happy to assist in anyway to spread the knowledge of America.
(Information found at:

Could have done without the curse word but it was a great point. LMAO!
Agreed, joke is old, come on I want our constitution back?

Infinite Undiscovery

Infinite Undiscovery

By: Harry Flanagan
Date: Thursday, February 25, 2010 at 6:40pm

The shutter shuts, so let me lose or let me rust.
I am a fiend, a thing, or even just a fling to your lust.
My heart flutters and shatters but in the end does it matter?
Because if you don't care then what's there to share?
My words will escape through the air and vanish and become clear.
This happens when I seem to be the only one who cares...

What do I do? Who do I trust? This hope is unjust...
What do you do? Who do you trust? Does it feel unjust?
What do we do! Who do we trust! We feel this to be unjust!

The words I speak will they ever seep through the crease...
Breaking the fold that we have prone and hide for weeks...
Do you seek the weak or a meaningful moment of peace?
The truth seems to be bleak and yet answers are sheathed.
I only wish to see that in which is truth within me!
Not the illusive tragedies or false infinite undiscoveries!

What do I do? Who do I trust? This hope is unjust...
What do you do? Who do you trust? Does it feel unjust?
What do we do! Who do we trust! We feel this to be unjust!

Commerce and fold to a heavens untold soul.
A deluded rose and a depleting mind,
Signs of a evoked time of a prayer untied.
We seek a cycle unknowingly
That repeats sorrow to a hollow selfish zero.
A mind for itself will never spread wings...
Until it risks itself for a greater means...

Other than itself.Sometimes the cycle is as simple as a fold between two separate pages to connect as one.

Relationshits: A In-depth Concersation

Relationshits: A In-depth Conversation.

By: Harry Flanagan
Date: Wednesday, February 24, 2010 at 3:16pm

Frequently asked questions:
*1.) Why do girls date immature guys?
A.) See the mind is that in which concludes the thoughts and responses of a bodily vessel. We make choices by experience or spontaneous actions. Some people do not think things through and just do it. Immaturity is based on how much seriousness you can take under a serious situation. immaturity isn't someone who acts dumb in a non-serious moment but a serious moment. You can be goofy and retarded and not be immature, it really depends on the individual/individuals who act not serious at a serious situation. So if woman chose an immature guy, maybe the real question is did they take their time to look over the guys actions over his looks? I like to say that physical attraction plays more of a role in a ladies choice in a guy rather than his active and intelligent being. So that is my opinion.

Now advise for a woman or a man to find a good partner.

A good partner is an open minded person or someone who can share your structure as a human being. We are all different in how we think so we need to consider the fact that we will always be different no matter the similarities.

1a.) Take time before choosing, if he/she likes you they will also take their time. If you rush something, it will ultimately fail (Trust me I am right) 1b.) Make sure they can be serious at a serious moment. note that they don't always have to be serious but only when the time is needed. 1c.) Do they respect your space as well as trust you? Key word is trust.
1d.) How to prevent yourself from cheating or themselves. When you are being tempted by another person think of your significant other with the opposite sex fooling around. This will irate you and remove yourself from the situation. Keep in mind we are only human so do your best to counter the humanly reactions. 1e.) Do not show any sign of distrust until they give you a reason. If you do the relationship will fail. I know it is easier said than done but you like them for who they were before you dated them so don't change them. You can only change bad habits that are negative on the persons health or life style in the long run.

These are my thoughts and in no way are they suggesting you to forcefully believe all that I say. they are merely just opinionated facts. =)

*2.) How to Understand the opposite gender?

2a.) For women out there who feel hopeless in finding a man and not a boy, how do you go about finding a man?

I try to find a woman by the way she presents her self. I obviously wont date a woman who has all guy friends because i can't take her serious. Those women in my view tend to say they can't find girls who are not girlie and yet I hear it so much from theses individuals. I think the reason a girl has so many guy friends is because if one relationship fails she has other options. I wont do that so I stick with just having guy friends and limit the amount of women I know in person. This keeps me from acting on my lust and prevents temptation. That way when a woman notices me she can take me serious and feel more secure in having me. This logically helps a relationship in the long run.

"Also I do think that if the person you are dating has lots of friends that could be potential love interests of the opposite sex, it's hard to take them seriously. However, that doesn't mean that one can't have friends of the opposite sex; It can complicate things though when one turns to their friend of the opposite sex rather than that person they're dating for advice, comfort, stories to share, and secrets to confide in. I'm sorry but that's not the right way to go about it, in fact that is a very immature and poor way to go about it; There should be a fine line about that. Men/Women, if you have any friends that are men/women and are dating someone, please look to your date rather than your best opposite sex friend because that will wear and tear a relationship. It's alright to show emotion, opinions, and truths but not intimate feelings of expressing a personal part of a relationship. That should be consulted with a councilor or your significant other. (Bonnie Noodle revised by H2K)"

*3.) Why do guys feel the need to boast when they're out with their guy friends?

I believe it is testosterone that flow through a man that makes him act tougher than he really needs to be. This chemical can be very controlling over the mind if you are weak willed. To notice a barbaric instinct you must come to terms with what you are. We are humans of a circle of life with chemicals within us that act on different emotions we may feel. Adrenalin is activated on excitement or fear, for example. Lust is another factor that also activates the testosterone in your body but sometimes a testosterone can be a good thing depending on the situation. Sometimes it drives men to invent things to impress women which helps mankind.

*4.) What do both gender's have in common with a virus? What differences do we have with a virus?

Like a virus that spreads and consumes all in its path, both genders share this characteristic. Me use to have a purpose as humans to benefit the world as other life forms do in some way or another but now we defied nature and took another course. Just like a virus it can change course and become more destructive. Now for the difference between a virus and both genders of homo sapiens is that we as humans have the will to change when we want as a virus simply acts on instinct or a process that we can surpass. (Opinion of H2K) (Sometimes the best way to comprehend our species is to understand others around us. We have more in common then what we think we do.)

*5.) Why does a relationship end quickly at random and there is no explanation for it?

"A lot of people though, treat relationships with the wrong approach. They only want the good, the high, the positive experiences of it; Kind of like a drug. A lot of people don't realize it but they do in fact treat relationships like this. They make sexual attraction the underlying foundation which is wrong. Sex is sex. You can have sex without love and love without sex, it goes both ways. A loving relationship isn't based on how good the sex is or how physically attractive your partner is. People need to come clear about their intentions before actually trying to build something.
Intentions and trust is a key factor. But at the same time morals and respect for one another is vital for a strong healthy relationship as well."
(Sinthetic3000 revised by H2K)

Comment by Joshua Sigloch: "I agree man. That is why there is suck a high divorce rate in the US. Is because so many people just treat relationships as a drug and it honestly could be scientifically explained like a drug, but instead of being addicted to the relationship your addicted to the hormones released when your in a relationship, or fling, or whatever.
I will have to admit sometimes it is fun to have a fling, but that is only if you are both under the same idea of it is just a fling and nothing serious. With that said you shouldn't have a fling with anyone that is actually looking for a serious relationship. It is just cruel to make someone believe one thing only to crush them emotionally when they find out that you were just playing around.
I myself have been in at least a few flings, but that was back when I was in junior high and high school so that is only natural. I have never once been in a real working relationship and I think that is only because I just haven't found that girl, but I have time. And as for the sex. I have never once relied on it to fix anything. Which explains why I'm still a virgin believe it or not. That is another thing I believe in. Sex isn't something that should be accepted as a recreational activity. I don't care who you are or what your life is like. It just shouldn't be. To many problems come from having sex just to have sex. Some of those are heart break, pregnancy, STD's and the list goes on. So relying on physical attraction alone will get you nothing, but ____ which to some people that is fine and honestly i wouldn't care if they thought that way as long as nobody got hurt because of those actions and ways of thinking."

*6.) Why are guys so jealous all the time?

A man is structured to hunt, protect, and to be territorial. This is a primitive instinct all men have and still persist today in the civilized world. Most men are laid back but when they feel that their losing territorial space they become threatened and will try to overcome whatever it is that disrupts their comfort-zone. Have you ever notice any guys in your life that would get up and look mean or seem nosy? This is part of that factor of primitive instinct, we do it because it is embedded in us.

They like to know if all of their surroundings are secured before they can become laid back (comfortable) again, this is a fact about us men; Also a key hint in why we may be the way that we are in relationships. We like to feel secure and know all is well through communications, secure doesn't mean in control but feel safe from competition. If we become threatened it is mostly due to the lack of communications and honesty between two individuals. Male mammals/animals of all forms react almost in the same mannerism it is a basic territorial instinct. Also proven that the majority of women prefer a dominant male. Doesn't mean men can't trust their women, simply means we need to communicate with one another. As long as the communication is good the trust can be no problem unless actions show otherwise.
I am the same way, when I do not communicate I become worried and threatened. I feel as if I am losing my territorial surroundings and like a lion I become aggressively panicked. I am not to aggressive but I do panic when I lose sight of what I have. That is why I am a very communicative individual, which is a good sign of a nice guy. I try to use my words to solve problems not my primitive aggression, using words is a part of being civil. Sometimes women don't see this and it can send bad vibes in the wrong context. I figure that I would lay out why most men act the way that they do in relationships. Majority of them have yet to control their primitive ways on the violent side but to change completely we wouldn't be men. I still have my territorial and primitive ways but that I believe is a huge part of being a male; To lose that we lose sight of what we are, the spirit becomes broken just like a dog.

(I am sure I can go more in depth but for now I have other priorities to attend too.)

Just like a relationship, sometimes just ending a relationship may be the easiest solution but often the wrong answer. Maybe the problem was you and you carried it into your next few relationships thinking it was all of them. Always be mindful of possibilities.

Perfect is Imperfect.

Perfect is Imperfect. (For Her)

By: Harry Flanagan
Date: Saturday, February 6, 2010 at 9:24am

I wake up and see my life as it is
A mess I created still makes me piss!
Not how I envisioned it as a kid,
But what I got is what it is...

I fell to my knee's
failing to meet my own needs
Thought I be more than just a simple feeble weed.
Pulled from existence as an unwanted seed.
Torn from the chapters that I had once rapture,
Only to be torched upon my capture.
I became a victim within this twisted system,
Angered by the pathetic sicken apathetic lives,
Created to thicken the synthetic optimistic lies!
That terrorizes the innocent sympathetic eyes.
That believed in the illusive tragic hypnotic feeds,
That only tyrants and terrorist progress to seed...

I was once a victim of their evil deeds,
But awaken I see the demons that they breed.
An army of blindfolded masses,
Follow their deceiver because they are believers.
It's because they're overdependent and nonindependent.
That they're weak willed and easily controlled!

I shall break the forces of evil and shed light on the demons shadows.
.Exactly my point.

Emotional Fear Versus Physical...

Emotional Fear Versus Physical...

By: Harry Flanagan
Date: Monday, January 25, 2010 at 8:28pm

Sometimes honesty seems like a fairytale but other times it seems like a dream. Can honesty truly exist when the rest of the world feeds on poison? Who is corrupt and who isn't? Do we look at the good or do we keep an open eye to see whats better than the commitment we are suppose to honor already? Is a persons word golden just because they make promises? Because I ran into so many who never follow through... So how do we know who will and who wont? I am scared...My greatest fear is just that. My tears don't flow for just to be pity or get attention but because I am hurt eternally. My heart is my greatest muscle and even that can be weaken by mere thoughts or deceptions... I have trust issues and I know I am working hard to correct them but in a world that has faded into black and drinks poison like grape juice or soda should I really let the guard down? I know she who takes a risk in me I should take a risk in her and so I will but I wont lie it is hard and it will not be easy. I guess I would get this out of my mind and onto a note that way if advise finds me I can receive it and take it for what it is. I know this, we're in this together those of us who hold true to honor and commitment.

Be careful what you consume yourself with.

Homosexuals Versus Religion?

Homosexuals Versus Religion?

By: Harry Flanagan
Date: Wednesday, January 13, 2010 at 2:38am

(Please respect other peoples opinions or post will be deleted out of respect for those who can debate rationally. I tagged the people who I thought might take interest in the topic as it is a interesting debate for good thinkers or debaters.) Topic: Proper definition and etc..

The word gay means happy so why are we still referring to it as a guy with guy or girl with girl? The right word is homosexual, in no way please do not take this as an insult. I am just merely correcting the usage of the word (not negative). Nothing to do with God, we were structurally created to mate with the opposite sex. Do I disagree with homosexuality, personally yes, but it is not my life so it isn't my concern. How others chose to live is upon them and their beliefs are their own. I live my life accordingly to how I see fit.

As I have said I do not have any concern how a person lives their life as long as it doesn't conflict upon my own. I respect their privacy and such. Now Homosexuals demand churches to show them respect and let them be married... Well, I am not religious, they should understand that Marriage is a religious concept. If a religion says that it is a sin then that religion group has the right to deny them the right to get married if it goes against their principles or teachings. Now if they wish to be married they should be able to do so through the courts, I see no problem in that; But it is hypercritical for Homosexuals to tell religious groups to show respect when it is them themselves who disrespects the religious groups for their beliefs. EX: A man has ethics that he has lived by for a life time. He votes by balancing out the pro's and con's. Well lets say one day a Liberal comes along and says, "you have to accept my bias beliefs because if not you are disrespect me." Well the liberal obvious is trying to change a mans ethics who has kept the principles he has had for a life time by saying it is prejudice, seems a bit hypocritical, no? Now you can't say it is disrespect if you didn't respect the thing you try to enforce your beliefs on. Now if a homosexual individual wants to be married that is fine but do not ask a religious group to change their principals that they have had for ages. That is like saying lets change the constitution and give our government more rights then the people the government was meant to serve.

I did say that I believe that they could be married by the courts and receive the same benefits; But to force their ways on the religion/church beliefs is also coherently discriminating and hypocritical which would contradict themselves, yes? Homosexuals shouldn't have a problem with the churches but the government instead; Separation of church and state, no?

Also the word marriage is only a word to you but to them(Religious groups being Christians or even date back to the days of the GODS of Greek) it is the way of life. See marriage to you is just a word in thee eye of the beholder which is you. So in actual fact marriage is a religious concept. So yes, you can get married by the courts but then again it isn't true marriage as it was a religious concept. So if to you marriage is just a word then why would homosexuals want it so bad, maybe they just want something to fight and to obtain publicity really? Always look beyond the box of a debate and the majority side. So what is right for one is wrong for another, it is really dependent on the eye of the beholder.

The thing about religion and marriage is that it predates Christianity by a couple thousand years, so what gives them (Christians) the right to claim ownership of it. It doesn't give them any right accept it being a religious bond in all religions that is holy. The first recorded evidence of marriage ceremonies uniting one woman and one man dates from about 2350 B.C., in Mesopotamia. Which was founded in a religion and was a union of a man and a woman.

And about being offended? To be offended is to be blind and not open to possibilities. I am only offended by the offended. A wise man can not see past pride but only past emotion can he only see the picture for what it is and not what he sugar coats it to be.

Sometimes I think people sugar coat the world so they feel more comfortable in it and then the picture becomes fictional and hard to remember what reality is...

Dreambox and the Black-hole to Reality...

Dreambox and the blackhole to reality...

By: Harry Flanagan
Date: Sunday, January 10, 2010 at 3:17pm

Man, a problematic creature, misconstrued life's cruel games and pointless bliss of ill knowledge elaborates nothing but it's apathetic will of complex labyrinths of illusive synthetic shadows which triggers pseudo hope that proceeds to spread among the chemistry of man. I am one, but my chemistry can ignite many if I allow it to spread. One act of random kindness can multiply into greatness if you have the will to act.

Layman's terms:
People choose not to understand and open their eyes because it is easier to be in their own bubble... their own fantasy world. People today live in a fantasy world because they don't want to be apart of reality; But if no one is in reality then there is no one to control it. This is where all our problems persist to regenerate and manifests itself upon our lives. Nothing is truly complex if we choose to just open our eyes and wake up from the dream we hide within! What will it take for us to see the errors of our past to act now? Or will we just accept our fate and dig our own graves and your childrens graves as well?

What is real and what isn't can eyes truly see it all for what it is or does it take a wise man to observe time and prevail an answer by riddles?

Nice Guys Finish Where?

Nice Guys Finish Where?

By: Harry Flanagan
Date: Sunday, January 10, 2010 at 2:56pm

Girls are always saying that they want to date the nice guys but when they have a nice guy they walk all over them and treat them like Sh#t. So the nice girls are always going out with the bad boys masquerading as the nice guys. So how can we shift this cycle to bring balance to the force.
Women don't like nice guys because they are not interesting. Nice guys are not interesting because they are nice and by being so they are open and willing to work on anything. Women soon lose interest because by nature their instinct wants cat and mouse. Girls want a challenge and so they go for the bad boys due to their stubborn nature. Girls believe they can change and alter these bad boys which is why nice guys are over looked. When a woman tries to alter a bad boy it puts off as a challenge and so they want him more when he resists. If we can just notice the simple nature of our own instincts we can prevail and suppress the simplicity of the instinct versus mind and will. Now not all women are like this but from what i see in daily life its the majority. I mean we see it all the time, girls cheating on nice guys because a bad boy taunts the female with their cat and mouse urge. Like any good chap, by nature we love a good hunt so this leads to corruption. I for one tamed myself by avoiding to many female friends and be content with guy friends. That way when a nice girl comes along she'll most likely take me serious.

Perspective 1.) (just an example of a situation) Guy/Woman looks interested in girl he adds her on Myspace and her entire friends list is nothing but men/Women. That's a negative!

Lets face it we are only human and we know each other better than we think. So we know human nature deep down inside but deny it so we can put ourselves in the lustful situations; Because our body loves it but not our will or mind. We surgar coat our true urges because we think we can handle it but why even tempt it. That's like putting a woman in the room with the man who killed her family while he is tied up and their is a gun on the desk. I know many guys because well I am a guy ( I know how we think). Ladies just because you hang with the guys doesn't make you one of the guys, it just makes you future booty call or potential 90% of the time; I know because I know what goes on when the "lady who is supposedly one of the guys" leaves. I know many ladies like you and guys that say your like a sister to them will discuss as soon as you leave 90% of the time, how long it will take to get in your pants. Don't be fooled, believe what you want but I work with bands and hang with all types of guys (no homo). We are what we are and yet we choose to be blind and letting an ongoing cycle to persist after millenniums of the same mistakes. This proves how we will never advance between one another rather than advance in technology. We are more advanced in technology than advanced with ourselves.
I am a guy and I am easily tempted as well which is why I discipline myself and tame myself. I use my will to avoid situations that would lead to lustful actions or even cheating. I am no exception, I just recognize my nature and so I discipline myself to treat a lady with respect rather than act on barbaric notions. What makes a good guy is that he can see things clearly about who he is. He understands he is a man and disciplines himself so he doesn't treat you like property. Bad boys are simple minded animals and if that's what attracts you then suffer the ending outcome of that situation; I am sure it will end as it does with everyone else who dated a bad boy in the past. Cycles tend to do that until you correct the errors.

Again this is just my opinion, and if you don't agree with it that's fine just be sure to have good standing in your debate or theory.

What is an African-American?

What is an African-American?

By: Harry Flanagan
Date: Thursday, December 31, 2009 at 4:08am

African-American? Someone who came from Africa and then became a citizen in America. You can have African heritage but doesn't make you an African-American. If you were born from America then your just an American like everyone else. If you were born from Africa and became a citizen of America then you are an African-American, like one of my friends that I know. Do you see Europeans with African heritage calling themselves African-Europeans? No because they find it silly so why do we insist to let stupidity to persist? I don't go around calling myself an Irish-American? I was born in America and proud to be just an American with an Irish Background. Simple enough and to the point. If you constantly think of yourself in a group and support a group mentality that in itself is coherently racist, is it not? Just thought that I would articulate that. Racism is over rated and long past, when will we move on with the next step when the first step has been completed long ago? I don't do well with race cards, sorry. lol!

(Disclaimer) Think what you want about me and label me what you will, I know that I am not judgmental but just a thinker is all. I speak my mind and if this offends you then you didn't have to read it, the tittle was obvious about what the topic was about.

The deceiver who uses a race card for self-gain prolongs its own past stupidities in a mass area of past conflicts; within a matter that was resolved long ago.

The Old Code

The Old Code

By: Harry Flanagan
Date: Monday, November 16, 2009 at 6:22am

"A knight is sworn to valor
His heart knows only virtue
His blade defends the helpless
His might upholds the weak
His words speaks only truth
His wrath undoes the wicked"

"No one is above the code not even a king, that is true honor."

As I have lived my life I have stood by this once honorable code. I believe this code is what makes a boy into a man. So I do my best to keep the code alive, for those of you who wonder my logic. I wont give into corruption, lust, and disloyalty... I will die with honor when my time comes, I am human so I do make mistakes. As a man we must admit faults and strengthen our defenses against evil and not let it bring us down when we are at our low. Stay true to oneself and do not be deceive by the worlds influences so when feeling guilty it is most likely wrong. I love you all!
A knight puts honor before self.

Referenced: DragonHeart the movie.

Faded Out Like a Memory

Faded Out Like a Memory

By: Harry Flanagan

Date: Saturday, November 14, 2009 at 4:30pm

The words come and they go.
I seem to repeat like an echo.
I hinder these feelings at a low,
Like I had nothing to show.
I feel as if I am a dying rose,
Used up withered and old.
You'll never really know;
Because I never really told,
That my mind is covered in mold,
And my heart is no longer full.
Just a never ending hole,
That once held a soul.

Faded out like a memory, To introduce my own misery To a dark room of mystery.

Cliche and My Canvased Heart

Cliche and My Canvased Heart

By: Harry Flanagan

Date: Thursday, November 5, 2009 at 6:04pm

A filtered kind of love that almost but didn't. The hindered thought of being with is not being a blissful one but an opposite. You gave a selfish feud of a cliche of dramatic plots which canvased my very own hearts pain. Enough isn't enough but a pointless effort of a man's attempt. I felt truth to be a lie and the lie to be a truth. How vein it is to fabricate a persons heart to avoid a burden of self choice but leave it on another so they suffer instead. I almost felt an almost kind of love...

Empty becomes so when the world consumes the very essence of your being.

The Modest Man: Where Have You Gone?

The Modest Man: Where Have You Gone?

By: Harry Flanagan

Date: Saturday, October 31, 2009 at 6:36pm

The flame rolls in like a tyrant blazing his inglorious ego! The ashes fall to the floor where many have fallen before. Hearts caught a blaze and sizzled in their own horrors as the one they call tyrant reigns once more. But from within the ashes and the withered life from before strays a new life full of hopes and eagerness. The one who reigns with synthetic promises and fabricated so called truths is bestowed upon a small blissful modest man. Modest man: I do not condone to your false preaching’s of change and socialist propaganda. Change is from within the hearts chamber, change is only applied to man as natures change happens by sequence but mans change is by free will. With out man there is no free will to be have and therefore concludes your false idea's of change coming from actions rather than emotion; This is a socialist propaganda ordeal that should be ordained with human instinct as intended by creation and not acted upon with future promises that obviously can't be foreseen unless you have the idea of seeing ones future and knowing what happens before it happens. Men have free will and this has actions that are at random. The difference between predetermined and free will is that free will can be random as nature is already predetermined.
I also explain the ordeal with people acting on their sins as if they were not sins in this topic.

Those who are tyrants buy those who sell out their individualism. They conform to others beliefs and customs rather than listen to their own heart. After awhile they become blind and fooled to this ideology of tyrants and become a puppet. They then sugar coat their own sins and make habit until the sin feels like not a sin any longer. They are now a tool and a conformist rather than a individual or original creative thinker.
A thought #1

By: Harry Flanagan

Date: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 at 10:25pm

Sometimes we grow and see life isn't what we thought it would be as when we were kids. Times have change as well for the people and its locations. People change... but what change is it? The change that we alter our own personality or change to conform with the rest? I haven't changes in the perspective that I have the same personality but changed in the matter of seeing things differently. I learn new things which are changes but also my personality still remains the same as well for the principals I live by. I don't believe people change and grow a part due to their new differences I believe people change personalities to fit what is easier to live with but sometimes going the easy route will have a depressing ending when you realize what a pond you really were to the worlds people. I will never change my personality for it is the definition of Harry and makes me who I am as an individual. I will not alter it to fit the needs of the masses even if it means losing love which would have been false anyhow or the friends who fabricated their friendship anyways. When I say fabricated their friendship they want me to change to meet their qualifications to not be embarrassed to be seen with me in public or so forth. I believe principals and morals as well for will gives you a fight against conformity and self-destruction. I speak from the heart and not from dependent education but from self-experience.

Sometimes people listen to the news and believe without doing their own research which leads them to being blind. Someone told me that love is blind then proceeded to say it wasn't love that was blind but God. I say love is blind because you have the choice to be blind or not in that aspect. It is the choices we choose that lead us where we are at. I can't blame anyone but myself for where I am at. I am sure I could have fought harder to be somewhere more meaningful then where I am at. Every choice has some form of consequence or outcome. To be an true adult one must admit fault and take responsibilities in their own actions. Anyhow I just wanted something to say or talk about. it helps me clear my head to type sometimes.

To defeat corruption and conformity one must see his/her own flaws first.
Harry the Irish President

by Harry Flanagan

Date: Wednesday, October 21, 2009 at 6:49pm

Hi I believe in change and as President I will make change I will not say what kind of change but just say change that way you all feel better. Because you know we all need change but maybe not the change you are thinking of but the change that benefits certain groups and makes socialism possible but I wont tell you that because that might not be in your interest as change so i will just say I will make change if you vote for me. I am also thankful for the Nobel peace prize for just doing nothing but speaking words that have showed no actions. I am grateful for being the first Irish-American President! I'm not white don't call me that because I am Irish American so don't offend me, I'm not just American i am Irish-American get it right! lol! I will also promise free healthcare when truly nothing is ever truly free without some catch... cough cough like deducting anyone who earns more than 250k and taxing them 50% and then using that for free healthcare when most small business make just over that to put forth in expanding their business and creating more jobs but can't when being over taxed also being that 80% of jobs in America is small businesses cough... CHANGE! I mean I promise CHANGE! *cough* like all presidents before me who no one noticed that also made promises all kinds of changes and yet I am noticed more for being the first Irish American who deserves a Nobel Peace Prize for blind statements! (sarcasm)

Hi, my name is Harry and I approve this message.Illusions are the best way to trick an audience.



by Harry Flanagan

Date: Thursday, October 15, 2009 at 2:28am

· BleedingBrokenPromises... Foiled in its own wickedness the beast lurks and preys on the excuses of ones failure to not sugar coat ones own sins. The idea of self-ego blinds the just judgment of ones conscience. Thus conclude why we continue to sin being we try to make sin not seem like a sin by sugar coating it in our own made illusion to justify it.

Yourself made illusions.

Broken Heart

Heart broke

by Harry Flanagan

Monday, October 12, 2009 at 5:13pm

· She who shall be named anonymous has broken the promise... I think she wont even care to read this let alone remember me in time. I love the most and she love the least and thus be why she controlled the relationship. She never took interest in my activities anyways... I guess when it comes to love I am a fool that blindly believes that there is hope for good men like me. I must open my eyes and see the lusting world as it is. I think my life is fueled by anger then supported by hate which is filled by the disgusting filth of the world.... Such as (off Topic in a way):

1.) Sex before marriage... it usually ends up with baby daddy's and Jerry Springer...

2.) Players, people who deceive others to either get what they want or manipulate mind rape and then violate.

3.) Leading people on just to hold them back from the real thing known as love. There is a difference in knowing what you want and being confuse but to hold someone back and know it wont work out just to have a rebound is wrong.

4.) People who have to require a taste of an alcohol. Show weak control of will power and dependency on a substance to conform. Lack of individuality because when it comes to it you could always socialize with a glass of mountain dew.

5.) I find illusive drugs the same way, for the weak who have to hide away from reality. Occasionally you'll find your mature smokers who do it because they choose to live life and not be recognized by society and conform to the mainstream.

6.) People who make promises and don't intend to keep them. I say if you make a promise you better be knowing you'll keep it.

7.) I hate conformity the most... The world Lacks Creativity and I know that so many things have already been done but doesn't mean you have to align with the trends of the world.

I understand I am an all or nothing kind of man but sometimes that's what keeps me, the nice guy, from crashing. I also know I can be a bit simple minded it seems but really their is more to meet the eye if you only ask me why and keep an open mind about it. I know maybe I am in some wrongs and refuse to see it but sometimes I might need some things brought to my attention so I may know my unseen errors. Don't get me wrong, even if I ignore doesn't mean i don't think about it. As a friend said before the imprint will always remain in the back of my conscience. I don't expect anyone to understand unless they truly set their self-ego/pride aside as I will do to better understand one another. My heart is the center of my emotions as well for my life stream. I might update this later....

" The one who loves least controls the relationship. Promises were made to be broken like bleeding glass and thus said to be a beautiful lie." Lose a girl only to gain a woman later.

Love is a puzzle you just need to find the other half that completes you hidden in this zests pool of lust and filth.