Monday, May 7, 2012

A Better Understanding But Who Reads Blogs Anyways...

A Better Understanding But Who Reads Blogs Anyways...

by Harry Flanagan
Monday, May 31, 2010 at 8:05pm

I woke up this morning thinking one thing... life is a mystery and it's very unpredictable. Things make us seldom happy and more things make us sad. We live to experience basically... point blank. We created a world in which cycles to the future which forcefully has to accept as it is made that way. My ancestors made this world I lived in with all of its laws and rules and I must abide by them or be an outcast/rebel/traitor. Since when is being human and having a different idea as a philosopher a crime? Those who are given power naturally are corrupt. "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely." We are living the carelessness of our ancestors who truly only cared about themselves instead of the future for the last 140 years. Our founding fathers had a plan and we allowed that to become sickened, weakened, and finally corrupted. Our well being is based on the surroundings we had created previously to presently. Process is the key to steps unfolding into a situation of some sort whether or not its problematic. We act upon our lustful actions more then our willful ones because lustful feels good and the will hurts because our body does not benefit. When we say love what does it mean exactly? Some people say the word to just obtain a lustful intention that the other person is not aware of. We act on lust not because we want to but because it is an instinct that separates us from civil to animal. The thing that makes us a civilized society is to have a will to say no to the lustful actions of our animal wants. When we became civil we gain a better understand and closeness to our feelings of emotions. We learned to be more compassionate, respectful, understanding of one another needs and wants, honorable, humble, moral, and loving. To love is to set aside all lustful intentions and more will and understanding for who you truly are passionate for. I hope to find this love and one day show her my will over my lust and prove to her my intentions are pure and my heart is hers. I am hopeful but most of the time when something seems to good it usually is... I guess that only time can tell and so I wait.

A world complex because we choose it to be an art I suppose.

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